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Newsgroups: comp.protocols.kermit.misc
Subject: Re: Kermit Dialinscript ??
Date: Sat, 08 Feb 97 03:21:21 MEZ
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Hi Frank, you are so up in the sky, that you cannot imagine
the triviality of my question ,-) Wow!! Cheers!!
>: Is it possible to write a dialinscript? Well, something that uses the
>: hayes.scr and another script.
>It is possible, and we have done this with Kermit 95. It is a very long
>script because it has to implement (a) a user ID system, (b) a secure file
>system, and (c) a user interface. This is what is commonly called "host
>mode". In theory this would be possible with MS-DOS Kermit too, but in
>practice the space limitations (overall, and on various specific items)
>and the lack of multiprocessing capability probably preclude it, except
>perhaps on a very small scale.
Maybe I misunderstood you, but I wasnt thinking of dialing into
Kermit, but to use kermit as a tool to dial into a cisco terminalserver,
or somethjing similar, what the Windoze people do with Winsock and
winsock dialin scripts. Joe Doupnik has a etherppp distribution
with a dialinscript somewhere in kermit.columbia.edu. I am looking
for something like this dialinscript for kermit, that I dont
have to enter my username and passwort and the "slip" command by hand.
Its not a problem for me to do this manualy, but if it could be done
by kermit with the help of a little script....;-)
Btw, whats up with Mac Kermit?
Best wishes from the Rhine, Heiko (and, as always, sorry for my poor